Can Drinking Coffee Reduce the Risk of Dementia? New Research Makes a Strong Case

The link between coffee drinking and a lower risk of dementia has been looked at across numerous studies throughout the years, but recent research has proposed an additional correlation between coffee consumption and a reduced risk of stroke and poststroke dementia.
The research comes from the Tianjin Medical University in China and studies the associations between the drinking of coffee alone, as well as the combined drinking of coffee and tea, with the lowered risks of stroke and dementia. According to researcher Yuan Zhang, the study suggests that “…drinking coffee and tea separately or in combination were associated with lower risk of stroke and dementia.” It goes on to state that the intake of “coffee alone or in combination with tea was associated with lower risk of poststroke dementia.”
The study included 365,682 participants aged 50 to 74 years old who joined between 2006 and 2010. These participants were followed up until 2020 to investigate the associations between coffee and tea consumption and incident stroke and dementia
The results make for some quite compelling evidence: drinking two to three cups of coffee and two to three cups of tea per day was seen to be associated with a 28% lower risk of dementia and a 32% lower risk of stroke. What’s more, a combination of coffee and tea consumption was associated with a reduced risk of both vascular dementia and ischemic stroke, as well as a lower risk of poststroke dementia. The researchers came to the conclusion that a “combination intake of 4 to 6 cups” of coffee and tea a day was linked to the lowest hazard ratio of dementia and incident stroke.
The research conducted by the team at the Tianjin Medical University certainly seems to provide some optimistic proposals; included in the report is the suggestion that its findings “highlight a potential beneficial relationship between coffee and tea consumption and risk of stroke, dementia, and poststroke dementia”, which is great news for coffee-lovers!
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